Macleay Valley
Rangers FC
Club Goals & Achievements
Provide and complete a free Summer Clinic for all juniors in the Macleay Valley - Successful
Provide a sponsors day throughout the season - Successful
Provide a community charity day throughout the season -
Apply for the Junior Maccas Grant - Successful - Received grant - Grant used toward junior uniforms
Enter a mens side in the 2023 Nambucca Cup - Successful
Construct a 2023 working bee to improve the field and surrounds - Successful
Construct a new eatery area for our spectators - Successful
Obtain new gazebos for our teams and spectators - Successful
Enter a junior side in the 2023 Joeys Mini World Cup series - Successful
Obtain a new line marker for club use - Successful
Obtain a new bbq for club fundraising purposes - Successful
Design and implement a new uniform for the 2024 season - Successful
Have both a mens and women team take part in Nambucca Cup - Successful - 4 teams participating
Finish painting the MVR training container - Completed prior to season
Upgrade Canteen Facilities -
Upgrade to field lighting -
Miniroos coaching course to take place - Successful - 10 MVR coaches attending